Manage Your Stock & Product Easily



Manage Your Stock & Product Easily

Putri Anggia
Putri Anggia
May 22, 2021

Are you having trouble managing your stock product, how much is left, and what product remaining? Don't worry, now you are able to manage your stock and product easily with the Manage Product feature in Qasir application.

To use it, follow this steps :

1. How to put products into the catalogue.

At Home, choose the manage Product menu. You will see this display

Then, tap the Products menu and you will enter the product information filling column. Fill the column completely. Don't forget to upload your photo product to make transaction easier. Photo not more than 5 MB.

If it is already filled, a display like this will appear.

In the Category column, you can fill it with categories that you already made according to the product you want to sell. This is an example:

To find out how much profit from your sales and how many products remain, you need to put in capital price and stock amount when you put the information on application. 

Activate Inventory and Base Price button. Then, capital price information and stock amount column like this will show up. Fill all the columns, like this.

Also, you can add products which has several varians. Look at this.

This kind of way may not be a problem for you who only has a few products. But if you have many kinds of products, such as retail, you may be overwhelmed to put in products one by one. Don't worry, Qasir serves a template with excel format for you who wants to put in all products in one time in your Point of Sale catalogue. Just go to Backoffice through Choose Sign In, then on menu, choose Produk. You will get this kind of display.

If your product is already input in the catalogue, it will look like this. Follow the steps on the screen until product filling is complete. If it succeeds, you will receive a notification email that

your product is already in the catalogue. You can also see it in Manage Product > All Product catalogue. Then you will see this display.

2. How to edit information product 

On the All Product menu, choose which product you want to edit by tapping it. Then the product information column will show up like as been said before. Then you just pick which column you want to change. If it's done, click Save. 

3. How to erase product 

Same as editing, to erase a product, just simply choose the product that you want to erase. You will see the Delete Product button below. Click that button to erase the product. 

4. Organize category list to make search easier 

You are able to organize category lists to make the transaction process easier. Follow these steps.

Click Manage Product menu then a display like this will appear. You are able to organize category lists by dragging double strip signs up and down. At the time of the transaction, in the catalogue, the category will appear in order.

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